1. RosterLab Knowledge Base
  2. Using RosterLab as an admin or manager

How to get started

A quick guide on how to get things started and a typical workflow on scheduling.

As soon as you sign up with RosterLab, you’ll have access to the RosterLab Platform. You can put all the relevant staff information and business requirements into your app. 

Start with creating a new location

When you log into our app for the first time, our app will invite you to create a new location for your organization or department.

  • You can easily edit/change the location name.
  • Choose "Schedules view (recommended)"
  • Put in the duration of your rosters

(We only have options for an even number of weeks, up to 16 weeks. Talk to us if your roster duration is not within the options.)

  • Put in a start date for your rosters

Alternatively, upload a json roster file that you've downloaded from the RosterLab platform if you're not a first-timer.

The current period of your location will be the period containing today’s date. Usually, people make rosters in the future periods so they can be released early for staff to plan their life. Switch to future periods to generate or make your roster plans.


A typical workflow for a start will look like this:

  1. Set up employees information
  2. Set up skills & tasks associated with each employee
  3. Create shifts & shift groups for your roster
  4. Put all business rules into RosterLab
  5. Set ideal staff numbers for each shift, skill, or task
  6. Put in the historic roster if it needs to be considered when generating the current roster [AI users only]
  7. Put in fixed shifts or leave for each employee if there are any [AI users only]
  8. Put in staff preferences by criticality
  9. Generate rosters & analyze your A.I. solutions [AI users only]
  10. Send your solutions to my roster page for manual changes & quick overview of shift fulfilment and other stats
  11. Publish your roster 


What’s next?

Now you’ve got a quick idea of how to set up your rosters with RosterLab. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message through the chat box in the app and we will come back to you as soon as possible.