1. RosterLab Knowledge Base
  2. Employees, skills, and tasks

How and when to use tasks

How and when to use tasks

Tasks refer to the duties that employees perform during their shifts, which can be assigned to a specific shift. In our app, it appears as "shift-task."

For free users, creating a task grants access to "shift-task" in the dropdowns on the "My Roster" page, making it easier to keep track of counts while creating the roster.

For AI users, tasks can be assigned to shifts once they are set up correctly. You can connect skills to a task, which creates links between employees and tasks. On the "Staffing numbers" page, you can specify the details for task demands, allowing the AI to assign tasks during a shift.

Add Task(s):

  • Click on "Add Tasks," or
  • Click the dropdown menu and select "Add Multiple task(s)"
  • Enter the number of tasks you want to add and click "OK"
  • Fill in the name, description, associated skills, and whether it should be included in general staffing counts (AI users only)

Delete Task(s):

Be careful, as deleting a task is not undoable.

  • Tick the checkboxes next to the tasks you want to delete
  • Click the "delete" button in the action bar.

Shift - Task

After setting up shifts and tasks in our app, all "shift-task" combinations will be automatically generated.

For instance, if you have a morning shift and two types of tasks, such as CT and MRI, you will have access to "Morning-CT" and "Morning-MRI" on various pages, such as "My Roster," "History," "Fixed Shifts & Leave," and "Preferences." This feature makes it easy to keep track of counts while creating the roster.

For AI users, we generate and optimize tasks. 

Auto-generated choices within dropdown menus - "Shift-task"