1. RosterLab Knowledge Base
  2. Staffing numbers & demands

Recurring demands or day specific demands?

Recurring demands or day specific demands?

Change Demands Period

If you have consistent staffing needs from week to week or fortnight to fortnight, you can save time by selecting the relevant period and entering demands for that period. This will automatically repeat the staffing numbers for the entire roster.

To do this, simply select the period you want to show from the dropdown menu, which defaults to "Weekly recurring."

However, please note that if you switch from the entire roster to fortnightly or weekly, any staffing numbers that are no longer shown will be deleted. Keep in mind that you can also set the number of staff needed for each shift, skill, or task every day.

Recurring period vs. Date specific period

You have three options when selecting a recurring period for staffing demands: weekly, fortnightly, and whole roster.

Weekly recurring - the default option

Fortnightly recurring - repeats every two weeks.

Whole roster - date-specific, allowing you to adjust staffing numbers based on fluctuating demands for specific tasks or shifts. This option provides a highly dynamic staffing solution.