A quick way of adding dynamic statistical counts to understand your rosters
To access the stats panel, click the button "SHIFTS & SKILLS COUNTS STATS" to customize your rosters.
There are two types of stats you can add to analyze your schedules. Counts by days and counts by employees. Click on the tag to add stats, and click again to remove them.
Stats by day
General Counts:
- Total hours - Summing up the total hours by each day (based on the shift hours users set in the "shifts & shifts group page")
- Total shifts - Summing up the total number of shifts worked per day
Shift Counts:
It shows the number of certain shifts that are worked each day. All the shifts that you have defined on the shifts page will be shown under this category.
Shift Group Counts or Hours:
It shows the number of certain groups of shifts that are worked each day. Shift groups are defined in the "shifts & shift groups page" if there are any.
You can add stats for shift groups by the total number or the total hours.
Skill Mix - Customized Counts:
If you'd like to consider skill mix within a schedule, you can customize the counts by creating a tag with both shift and skill in it. For example, AM shift + Senior skills count.