Customize your rules

Add, remove, or search for rules

Add rules

  1. Click "Manage Rules"
  2. Choose what to constrain on (select one from the dropdown menu)
  3. Click the "Add rule" button

  4. Customize the rule by yourself 

    1. Must vs. Should: Must rules will be considered first by AI. Should rules will be optimized around by the AI depending on other rules, staff requests, and staffing coverage within a roster
    2. Have at least; at most; exactly
    3. When assigning a value to your rule, such as "2" days off, keep in mind that rostered staff may have different values for the same rule. To accommodate for this, simply assign a number that applies to the majority of cases and adjust on an individual level within the rules table cell as needed.
    4. In order to specify when a rule should apply, you can select from a variety of frequency options. For instance, you can choose for the rule to occur every week, every two weeks (also known as a "fortnight"), every roster, or after a night shift. This allows for a more personalized and flexible approach to rule creation.
  5. Keep adding the rules for your rosters.

  6. Click on the "OK" button to save and return to the rules table.

Remove rules

  1. Go to the "Existing Rules" tab 
  2. Click on the red cross "x" to remove rules
  3. Click "OK" to save 

Search for rules